Short Personal Stories

Ep 61: Sleeping Cop

Episode 61 of The Compulsive Storyteller: Sleeping Cop - Gregg’s run in with a local cop while on an art delivery job

Ep 61: Sleeping Cop
Listen on: Spotify, Apple Music

 In this week’s episode, entitled Sleeping Cop, Gregg is  running late, speeding along in his van for a nighttime delivery of one of his sculptures to a wealthy collector's house in an affluent suburb of Boston. The winding road he’s on is completely deserted, so when he realizes that he’s  headed in the wrong direction, he runs a red light, does a sweeping U turn and runs the red light again back in the opposite direction. That’s when his misadventure begins.

The Compulsive Storyteller Podcast is a series of short personal stories in 20 minutes or less written and narrated by Gregg LeFevre. New episodes will be released every other Wednesday across all podcast platforms.

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