Short Personal Stories

Ep 15: Bad Cop/Good Cop

Ep15: This week we continue with 3 shorties about cops. First in "Cops at the Diner" we see a couple of New York Troopers roughing Gregg up for his hippi hair. Then in "Get Off the Car" a rookie New York City cop clubs the wrong innocent bystander. Finally in "Boston Cops" have racist police responding to a racist attack against Gregg’s Black roommates.


Ep 14: Bad Cop/Good Cop
Listen on: Spotify, Apple Music

This is the Compulsive Storyteller, the podcast where we explore the idea that truth is stranger than fiction. For Season 2 we've added a new ongoing feature we call "Shorties": groupings of short little stories around a particular theme.

This week we continue with 3 shorties about cops. First in "Cops at the Diner" we see a couple of New York Troopers roughing Gregg up for his hippy hair. Then in "Get Off the Car" a rookie New York City cop clubs the wrong innocent bystander. Finally in "Boston Cops" have racist police responding to a racist attack against Gregg’s Black roommates.

The Compulsive Storyteller Podcast is a series of short personal stories in 20 minutes or less written and narrated by Gregg LeFevre. New episodes will be released every other Wednesday across all podcast platforms.

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